All images of Capitolshots Photography are available both digitally and as prints.  

Whether in color or in black and white, close-up details or panorama, or exterior or interior, Capitolshots Photography strives to provide its customers with a wide ranges of options for all buildings in its collection.

Regardless of whether an image is presented in color or in black and white on the site, all images are available both in color and in black and white.

Please download the current price sheet here.  When inquiring or ordering, please include the file name of the image or images in which you are interested.  The file name is located at the beginning of the caption when you enlarge from the thumbnails in the galleries.

Licensing Digital Images

Royalty-free licenses are available for all images, which are available at several sizes, from 72-dpi web-quality JPGs up to TIF files.

Discounts are available for licensing five or more images in the same order.  Customers are allowed to make their own prints from any images they license if they find this to be a more cost-effective or convenient solution than ordering prints directly from Capitolshots Photography.

Please email for additional information or to order.  Please note that images are available for use with paid licenses only and are *never* available for free.

Ordering Prints

All photos are available as prints, not just as regular prints but also as canvas prints and metal prints, and acrylic prints.  These prints work great for decorative art, presentations, office decor and gifts. 

Multiple sizes are available for all images, and discounts are available for purchasing five or more prints in the same order.  

Please email for additional information or to order.

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