Capitolshots Photography’s collection of images of the Bent County Courthouse in Las Animas, Colorado.
Designed by Holmberg Brothers, the Las Animas courthouse was built in 1906. The Bent County Courthouse, a brick Queen Anne structure, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Stock Images Of These Colorado Courthouses Are Also Available:
Photos of the Baca County Courthouse in Springfield, Colorado. The Springfield courthouse, a brick Classical Revival structure, was designed by Ed Pierson. The Baca County Courthouse was built in 1917.
13 Photos
Photos of the Bent County Courthouse in Las Animas, Colorado. Designed by Holmberg Brothers, the Las Animas courthouse was built in 1906. The Bent County Courthouse, a brick Queen Anne structure, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
15 Photos
Photos of the Cheyenne County Courthouse in Cheyenne Wells, Colorado. Designed by John James Huddart, the Cheyenne Wells courthouse was built in 1908. The Cheyenne County Courthouse, a brick Georgian Revival structure, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
14 Photos
Photos of the Crowley County Courthouse in Ordway, Colorado. The Ordway courthouse was built in 2003.
6 Photos
Photos of the Crowley County Justice Center (the historic Crowley County Courthouse) in Ordway, Colorado. The Ordway courthouse, a brick Prairie-style structure, was designed by J.M. Gile. The Crowley County courthouse was built in 1916.
8 Photos
Photos of the Kiowa County Courthouse in Eads, Colorado. The Eads courthouse was designed by William E. Ross and C. Francis Pillsbury. The brick Kiowa County Courthouse was built in 1956.
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Photos of the Kit Carson County Courthouse in Burlington, Colorado. The Burlington courthouse was originally designed by Henry Wasson and built in 1909. The Kit Carson County Courthouse was completely remodeled in 1950 into its current configuration.
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Photos of the Lincoln County Courthouse in Hugo, Colorado. The Hugo courthouse was designed by Daniel W. Figert. The brick Lincoln County Courthouse, built in 1992, incorporates the portico from the old 1923 courthouse.
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Photos of the Logan County Courthouse in Sterling, Colorado. Designed by John J. Huddart, the Sterling courthouse was built in 1909. The Logan County Courthouse, a brick Beaux-Arts structure, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Photos of the Morgan County Courthouse in Fort Morgan, Colorado. Designed by Eugene G. Groves, the Fort Morgan courthouse was built in 1936. The Morgan County Courthouse, a brick Art Deco structure, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. A newer courthouse for the county, the Morgan County Justice Center, was built in 1988.
12 Photos
Photos of the Morgan County Justice Center in Fort Morgan, Colorado. The Fort Morgan courthouse was designed by Caudill Rowlet Scott. The brick Morgan County courthouse was built in 1988.
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Photos of the Otero County Courthouse in La Junta, Colorado. The La Junta courthouse was designed by C. Francis Pillsbury. The brick Otero County Courthouse was built in 1958.
9 Photos
Photos of the Phillips County Courthouse in Holyoke, Colorado. Designed by Eugene G. Groves, the Holyoke courthouse was built in 1936. The Phillips County Courthouse, a brick Art Deco structure, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Photos of the Prowers County Courthouse (officially the Prowers County Building) in Lamar, Colorado. Designed by Robert K. Fuller, the Lamar courthouse was built in 1928. The Prowers County Courthouse, a limestone and granite Classical Revival structure, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
12 Photos
Photos of the Sedgwick County Courthouse in Julesburg, Colorado. Designed by W. Gordon Jamieson and R. Ewing Stiffler, the Julesburg courthouse was built in 1939. The Sedgwick County Courthouse, a brick Art Deco structure, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
12 Photos
Photos of the Washington County Courthouse in Akron, Colorado. The Akron courthouse was designed by John J. Huddart. The Washington County Courthouse, a brick Classical Revival structure, was built in 1909.
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Photos of the Yuma County Courthouse in Wray, Colorado. The Wray courthouse, a brick Federal-style building, was built in 1904.
10 Photos