Capitolshots Photography’s collection of images of the Stanton County Courthouse in Johnson, Kansas.
The Johnson courthouse was designed by Smith And English. The Stanton County Courthouse, a brick Classical Revival structure, was built in 1927.
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Stock Images Of These Kansas Courthouses Are Also Available:
Photos of the Bourbon County Courthouse in Fort Scott, Kansas. The Fort Scott courthouse was designed by Cuthbert And Suehrk. The Bourbon County Courthouse, a Classical Revival structure, was built in 1929.
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Photos of the Butler County Courthouse in El Dorado, Kansas. Designed by George P. Washburn And Sons, the El Dorado courthouse was completed in 1909. The brick Butler County Courthouse, a Romanesque Revival structure, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Photos of the Cherokee County Courthouse in Columbus, Kansas. The Columbus courthouse was designed by Glover And Newcomb. The Cherokee County Courthouse was built in 1956.
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Photos of the Crawford County Courthouse in Girard, Kansas. Designed by Tonini And Bramblet, the Girard courthouse was built in 1921 and restored in 1992. The Crawford County Courthouse, a Classical Revival structure, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Photos of the Finney County Courthouse in Garden City, Kansas. The Garden City courthouse was designed by Routledge And Hertz. The Finney County Courthouse, a limestone Classical Revival structure, was built in 1928.
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Photos of the Ford County Courthouse in Dodge City, Kansas. The Dodge City courthouse was designed by Reuel A. Curtis. The Ford County Courthouse, a Classical Revival structure, was built in 1913.
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Photos of the Grant County Courthouse in Ulysses, Kansas. Designed by Smith And English, the Ulysses courthouse was built in 1929. The Grant County Courthouse, a brick Art Deco structure, is included in the Grant County Courthouse District, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Photos of the Gray County Courthouse in Cimarron, Kansas. The Cimarron courthouse was designed by Routledge And Hertz. The Gray County Courthouse, a brick Classical Revival structure, was built in 1927.
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Photos of the Greeley County Courthouse in Tribune, Kansas. The Tribune courthouse was designed by Kiene And Bradley. The Greeley County Courthouse, a brick structure, was built in 1975.
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Photos of the historic Greeley County Courthouse in Tribune, Kansas. Designed by W.T. Heaps, the Tribune courthouse was built in 1890. The historic Greeley County Courthouse, a sandstone Italianate structure which now serves as the Horace Greeley Museum, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Photos of the Hamilton County Courthouse in Syracuse, Kansas. The Syracuse courthouse was designed by Overend And Boucher. The Hamilton County Courthouse, a brick Art Deco structure, was built in 1938.
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Photos of the Harper County Courthouse in Anthony, Kansas. Designed by George P. Washburn And Sons, the Anthony courthouse was built in 1908. The brick Harper County Courthouse, a Romanesque Revival structure, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Photos of the Haskell County Courthouse in Sublette, Kansas. The Sublette courthouse was designed by The Gibson And Mancini Partnership. The Haskell County Courthouse was built in 1978.
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Photos of the Kearny County Courthouse in Lakin, Kansas. The Lakin courthouse was designed by Overend And Boucher. The Kearny County Courthouse, a brick Art Deco structure, was built in 1939.
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Photos of the Kingman County Courthouse in Kingman, Kansas. Designed by George P. Washburn And Sons, the Kingman courthouse was built in 1908. The brick Kingman County Courthouse, which incorporates a mix of architectural styles, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Photos of the Montgomery County Courthouse in Independence, Kansas. The Independence courthouse was designed by Edward Oscar Fallis. The Montgomery County Courthouse was built in 1931.
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Photos of the Scott County Courthouse in Scott City, Kansas. The Scott City courthouse was designed by Mann And Company. The Scott County Courthouse, a brick Classical Revival structure, was built in 1925.
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Photos of the Old Sedgwick County Courthouse in Wichita, Kansas. Designed by W.R. McPherson, the Wichita courthouse was built in 1889 and is across the street from the current county courthouse. The stone Old Sedgwick County Courthouse, a Renaissance Revival structure currently hosting county offices, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Photos of the Seward County Courthouse in Liberal, Kansas. The Liberal courthouse was designed by W.I. Fisher And Company. The Seward County Courthouse was built in 1959.
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Photos of the Shawnee County Courthouse in Topeka, Kansas. The Topeka courthouse was designed by Raymond A. Coolidge. The Shawnee County Courthouse was built in 1963.
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Photos of the Stanton County Courthouse in Johnson, Kansas. The Johnson courthouse was designed by Smith And English. The Stanton County Courthouse, a brick Classical Revival structure, was built in 1927.
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Photos of the Stevens County Courthouse in Hugoton, Kansas. The Hugoton courthouse was designed by Mann And Company. The Stevens County Courthouse was built in 1952.
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Photos of the Sumner County Courthouse in Wellington, Kansas. Designed by Thomas W. Williamson and Victor H. Loebsack And Associates, the Wellington courthouse was built in 1952. The limestone Sumner County Courthouse, an Art Deco structure, is part of the Downtown Wellington Historic District, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
9 Photos
Photos of the Wabaunsee County Courthouse in Alma, Kansas. Designed by W.E. Glover, the Alma courthouse was built in 1932. The Wabaunsee County Courthouse, an Art Deco structure, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Photos of the Wallace County Courthouse in Sharon Springs, Kansas. The Sharon Springs courthouse was designed by W.E. Hulse And Company. The Wallace County Courthouse, a brick Classical Revival structure, was built in 1915.
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Photos of the Wichita County Courthouse in Leoti, Kansas. The Leoti courthouse was designed by W.E. Hulse And Company. The Wichita County Courthouse, a brick Classical Revival structure, was built in 1916.
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Photos of the Wilson County Courthouse in Fredonia, Kansas. The Fredonia courthouse was designed by Kene And Bradley Architects. The Wilson County Courthouse was built in 1961.
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Photos of the Woodson County Courthouse in Yates Center, Kansas. Designed by George P. Washburn, the Yates Center courthouse was completed in 1900. The brick Woodson County Courthouse, a Romanesque Revival structure, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Photos of the Wyandotte County Courthouse in Kansas City, Kansas. Designed by Wight And Wight, the Kansas City courthouse was built in 1927. The Wyandotte County Courthouse, a Classical Revival structure, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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