Capitolshots Photography’s collection of images of the Lafayette County Courthouse in Mayo, Florida.
The Mayo courthouse was designed by Edward C. Hosford And Co. The brick Lafayette County Courthouse, a Classical Revival structure, was built in 1908.
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Stock Images Of These Florida Courthouses Are Also Available:
Photos of the Baker County Courthouse in Macclenny, Florida. The Macclenny courthouse was designed by Roy A. Benjamin. The Baker County Courthouse, a brick Classical Revival structure, was built in 1940.
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Photos of the historic Baker County Courthouse, now the Emily Taber Public Library, in Macclenny, Florida. The brick Macclenny courthouse was built in 1908 and was designed by Edward Columbus Hosford. The historic Baker County Courthouse is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Photos of the Bay County Courthouse in Panama City, Florida. The Panama City courthouse was designed by S.J. Welch. The brick Bay County Courthouse, a Classical Revival structure, was built in 1915.
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Photos of the Bradford County Courthouse in Starke, Florida. The Starke courthouse was designed by Frank George George. The Bradford County Courthouse was built in 1968.
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Photos of the Brevard County Government Complex North in Titusville, Florida. The Titusville courthouse is located just south of the historic 1913 Brevard County Courthouse. The structure was built in 1968.
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Photos of the historic Brevard County Courthouse in Titusville, Florida. The Titusville courthouse, officially the Vassar B. Carlton Historic Titusville Courthouse, was designed by Lightman, McDonald And Company. The historic Brevard County courthouse, a concrete Classical Revival structure, was built in 1913.
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Photos of the Broward County Judicial Complex in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The Fort Lauderdale courthouse was designed by Spillis Candela And Partners and Heery/Cartaya. The Broward County courthouse was dedicated in 2017.
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Photos of the former Broward County Courthouse in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The Fort Lauderdale courthouse was built in 1962. Slated for demolition, the former Broward County courthouse is adjacent to the Broward County Judicial Complex, which was dedicated in 2017.
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Photos of the Calhoun County Courthouse in Blountstown, Florida. The Blountstown courthouse was designed by Charles A. Gaskin. The brick Calhoun County Courthouse was built in 1973.
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Photos of the Old Calhoun County Courthouse in Blountstown, Florida. The brick Blountstown courthouse, built in 1905, was designed by Benjamin Bosworth Smith and Frank Lockwood and served as the county courthouse until 1973. The Old Calhoun County Courthouse, a Romanesque Revival structure, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Photos of the Charlotte County Justice Center in Punta Gorda, Florida. The Punta Gorda courthouse was designed by Fawley Bryant. The Charlotte County courthouse, a brick structure, was built in 1999.
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Photos of the historic Charlotte County Courthouse in Punta Gorda, Florida. The Punta Gorda courthouse was designed by Leitner And Henson. The historic Charlotte County courthouse, a brick Classical Revival structure, was dedicated in 1928.
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Photos of the Citrus County Courthouse in Inverness, Florida. The Inverness courthouse, designed by James R. Page, Jr., was built in 1977. An addition to the Citrus County Courthouse, designed by Architects Design Group, Inc., was built in 2002.
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Photos of the historic Citrus County Courthouse, now the Old Courthouse Heritage Museum, in Inverness, Florida. The brick Inverness courthouse, built in 1912, was designed by J.R. MacEachron and Willis R. Biggers. The historic Citrus County Courthouse, a Classical Revival structure, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Photos of the Collier County Courthouse in East Naples, Florida. The East Naples courthouse was designed by Winsor Faricy Architects. The Collier County Courthouse, part of the Collier County Government Center, was built in 1990.
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Photos of the DeSoto County Courthouse in Arcadia, Florida. The brick Arcadia courthouse, completed in 1913, was designed by Bonfoey And Elliott. The DeSoto County Courthouse, a Classical Revival structure, is part of the Arcadia Historic District, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Photos of the Dixie County Courthouse in Cross City, Florida. The Cross City courthouse was designed by Harry Burns And Associates. The Dixie County Courthouse was built in 1965.
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Photos of the Duval County Courthouse in Jacksonville, Florida. The Jacksonville courthouse was designed by KBJ Architects. The Duval County Courthouse, the county’s fifth, was completed in 2012.
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Photos of the Escambia County Judicial Building, officially the M.C. Blanchard Judicial Building, in Pensacola, Florida. The Pensacola courthouse was designed by several architectural firms. The Escambia County courthouse was built in 1978.
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Photos of the historic Escambia County Courthouse in Pensacola, Florida. The Pensacola courthouse was designed by Mifflin E. Bell. The historic Escambia County Courthouse, a Renaissance Revival structure, was built in 1888.
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Photos of the Flagler County Justice Center, officially the Kim C. Hammond Justice Center, in Bunnell, Florida. The Bunnell courthouse was designed by Spillis Candela DMJM. The structure, which serves as the Flagler County courthouse and which is part of the Flagler County Government Center, was dedicated in 2007.
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Photos of the historic Flagler County Courthouse in Bunnell, Florida. The brick Bunnell courthouse was built in 1926. The historic Flagler County Courthouse, a Classical Revival structure, was designed by Talley Buckley Talley.
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Photos of the Franklin County Courthouse in Apalachicola, Florida. The Apalachicola courthouse, built in 1940, was designed by Warren, Knight And Davis. The Franklin County Courthouse, which incorporates Art Deco and Classical Revival elements, is part of the Apalachicola Historic District, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Photos of the Gadsden County Courthouse in Quincy, Florida. The Quincy courthouse, built in 1913, was designed by Hentz And Reid. The brick Gadsden County Courthouse, a Classical Revival structure, is part of the Quincy Historic District, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Photos of the Gadsden County Judicial Complex, officially the Guy A. Race Gadsden County Judicial Complex, in Quincy, Florida. The Quincy courthouse, which hosts the county’s criminal courts, is across the street from the Gadsden County Courthouse.
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Photos of the Gilchrist County Courthouse in Trenton, Florida. The Trenton courthouse was designed by Smith, Holborn And Dozier. The brick Gilchrist County Courthouse, a Classical Revival structure, was built in 1933.
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Photos of the Glades County Courthouse in Moore Haven, Florida. The Moore Haven courthouse was designed by Edward C. Hosfold. The Glades County Courthouse, a brick Classical Revival structure, was built in 1928.
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Photos of the Gulf County Courthouse in Port St. Joe, Florida. The Port St. Joe courthouse was designed by Joseph L. Donofro and Paul A. Donofro. The Gulf County Courthouse was built in 1967.
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Photos of the historic Gulf County Courthouse in Wewahitchka, Florida. The brick Wewahitchka courthouse was designed by Warren, Davis And Knight and served as the county courthouse until the county seat was moved to Port St. Joe in the 1960s. The historic Gulf County Courthouse, a Classical Revival structure, was built in 1927.
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Photos of the Hamilton County Courthouse in Jasper, Florida. The Jasper courthouse was designed by Yonge, Look And Morrison. The Hamilton County Courthouse was built in 1956.
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Photos of the Hardee County Courthouse in Wauchula, Florida. The brick Wauchula courthouse was built in 1926. The Hardee County Courthouse, a Classical Revival structure, was designed by H.G. Little.
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Photos of the Hendry County Courthouse in LaBelle, Florida. The brick LaBelle courthouse, built in 1926, was designed by Edward C. Hosford. The Hendry County Courthouse is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Photos of the Hernando County Courthouse in Brooksville, Florida. The brick Brooksville courthouse was built in 1913. The Hernando County Courthouse, a Classical Revival structure, was designed by William Augustus Edwards.
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Photos of the Highlands County Courthouse in Sebring, Florida. The stone and concrete Sebring courthouse, built in 1927, was designed by Fred A. Bishop. The Highlands County Courthouse, a Classical Revival structure, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Photos of the Hillsborough County Courthouse in Tampa, Florida. The Tampa courthouse, officially the George E. Edgecomb Courthouse, was designed by Ranon And Partners. The Hillsborough County Courthouse was built in 2003.
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Photos of the Hillsborough County Courts Building in Tampa, Florida. The Tampa courthouse, officially the Pat Franks Courts Building, was designed by William O. Sparklin. The Hillsborough County courthouse, a Moderne structure, was built in 1952 and renovated in 2008 by Ranon And Partners.
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Photos of the Holmes County Courthouse in Bonifay, Florida. The Bonifay courthouse was designed by Look And Morrison. The Holmes County Courthouse was built in 1964.
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Photos of the Indian River County Courthouse in Vero Beach, Florida. The Vero Beach courthouse was designed by Pierce, Goodwin, Alexander And Linville. The Indian River County Courthouse, a limestone and concrete structure, was built in 1994.
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Photos of the historic Indian River County Courthouse in Vero Beach, Florida. The Vero Beach courthouse was designed by W.H. Garns. The historic Indian River County Courthouse, a brick structure built in 1937, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Photos of the Jackson County Courthouse in Marianna, Florida. The Marianna courthouse was designed by Barrett Daffin Bishop. The Jackson County Courthouse was built in 1962.
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Photos of the Jefferson County Courthouse in Monticello, Florida. The Monticello courthouse, built in 1909, was designed by Edward Hosford. The stucco Jefferson County Courthouse, a Classical Revival structure, is part of the Monticello Historic District, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
13 Photos
Photos of the Lafayette County Courthouse in Mayo, Florida. The Mayo courthouse was designed by Edward C. Hosford And Co. The brick Lafayette County Courthouse, a Classical Revival structure, was built in 1908.
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Photos of the former Lafayette County Courthouse in Mayo, Florida. The Mayo courthouse was designed by W.T. Dees. The former Lafayette County Courthouse was built in 1894 and served as the county courthouse until the current courthouse was built in 1908.
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Photos of the Lake County Courthouse in Tavares, Florida. Designed by Hellmuth, Obata And Kassabaum Inc., the Tavares courthouse was built in 1992. The Lake County Courthouse later underwent an expansion, designed by Heery Design and completed in 2013.
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Photos of the historic Lee County Courthouse in Fort Myers, Florida. The Fort Myers courthouse was designed by Francis J. Kennard. The historic Lee County Courthouse, a brick Classical Revival structure built in 1915, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Photos of the Lake County Administration Building, the former Lake County Courthouse, in Tavares, Florida. The former Tavares courthouse, built in 1976, was designed by Gutmann, Dragash And Matz Architects, Inc. and Jones Dickerson Associates, Architects And Planners, Inc. The building served as the county courthouse until the current Lake County Courthouse was completed a block away in 1992.
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Photos of the historic Lake County Courthouse in Tavares, Florida. The brick Tavares courthouse, designed by F.H. Trimble and Alan J. MacDonough, was built in 1922. The historic Lake County Courthouse, which now hosts the Lake County Historical Museum, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Photos of the Levy County Courthouse in Bronson, Florida. The Bronson courthouse was designed by Henry L. Taylor. The brick Levy County Courthouse, a Colonial Revival structure, was built in 1938 and enlarged in 1963.
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Photos of the Liberty County Courthouse in Bristol, Florida. The Bristol courthouse was designed by Yonge And Hart. The brick Liberty County Courthouse, a Classical Revival structure, was built in 1942.
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Photos of the Madison County Courthouse in Madison, Florida. The Madison courthouse was designed by Bishop And Greer. The brick Madison County Courthouse, a Classical Revival structure, was built in 1913.
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Photos of the Manatee County Courthouse in Bradenton, Florida. The Bradenton courthouse was designed by McGucken And Hyer. The Manatee County Courthouse, a brick Classical Revival structure built in 1913, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Photos of the Manatee County Judicial Center in Bradenton, Florida. The Bradenton courthouse was designed by Hellmuth, Obata And Kassabaum and Fawley Bryant. The Manatee County courthouse was built in 2008.
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Photos of the historic Manatee County Courthouse in Bradenton, Florida. The Bradenton courthouse, built in 1860, is the oldest surviving Florida county courthouse. Now located in Manatee Village Historical Park, the historic Manatee County Courthouse is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Photos of the Marion County Judicial Center, which serves as the Marion County courthouse, in Ocala, Florida. The Ocala courthouse was originally completed in 1964. The Marion County Judicial Center later underwent an expansion, completed in 2010. The expansion of the Marion County courthouse was designed by Architecture Studio, Inc. and Hellmuth, Obata + Kassabaum.
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Peter L. Cheney Courthouse, was designed by PDR Architects. The Martin County Courthouse was built in 1988.
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Photos of the historic Martin County Courthouse in Stuart, Florida. The Stuart courthouse, built in 1937, was designed by L. Phillips Clarke. The historic Martin County Courthouse, an Art Deco structure now known as the Martin County Court House Cultural Center, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Photos of the Nassau County Courthouse in Fernandina Beach, Florida. The Fernandina Beach courthouse, built in 1892, was designed by A.E. McClure. The brick Nassau County Courthouse, an Italianate structure, is part of the Fernandina Beach Historic District, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Photos of the Nassau County Justice Center, officially the Robert M. Foster Justice Center, in Yulee, Florida. The Yulee courthouse was designed by Spillis Candela and Smith McCrary Architects. The Nassau County courthouse was built in 2003.
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Photos of the Okeechobee County Courthouse in Okeechobee, Florida. The Okeechobee courthouse was designed by George Gaynor Hyde. The Okeechobee County Courthouse was built in 1926.
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Photos of the Okeechobee County Judicial Center in Okeechobee, Florida. The Okeechobee courthouse was designed by Michael A. Shiff And Associates. The Okeechobee County courthouse was dedicated in 2005.
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Photos of the Orange County Courthouse in Orlando, Florida. The Orlando courthouse was designed by Heery International. The 23-story Orange County Courthouse was completed in 1997.
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Photos of the Osceola County Courthouse in Kissimmee, Florida. The Kissimmee courthouse, officially the Judge Jon B. Morgan Courthouse, was designed by HLM Designs. The brick and concrete Osceola County Courthouse was built in 2001.
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Photos of the historic Osceola County Courthouse in Kissimmee, Florida. The Kissimmee courthouse was designed by F.C. Johnson. The historic Osceola County Courthouse, a brick Romanesque Revival structure built in 1890, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Photos of the Palm Beach County Courthouse in West Palm Beach, Florida. The West Palm Beach courthouse, officially the Judge Daniel T.K. Hurley Courthouse, was designed by Michael A. Shiff And Associates. The Palm Beach County Courthouse was built in 1995.
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Photos of the historic Palm Beach County Courthouse in West Palm Beach, Florida. The West Palm Beach courthouse was designed by Wilbur B. Talley. The historic Palm Beach County Courthouse, a brick Classical Revival structure, was built in 1915.
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Photos of the Pasco County Judicial Center, officially the Robert D. Sumner Judicial Center, in Dade City, Florida. The building, which serves as the Pasco County courthouse, was built in 1979. The Dade City courthouse was designed by Reynolds, Smith And Hills.
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Photos of the historic Pasco County Courthouse in Dade City, Florida. The brick Dade City courthouse, built in 1909, was designed by Edward Columbus Hosford. The historic Pasco County Courthouse, a Classical Revival structure, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Photos of the Pinellas County Courthouse in Clearwater, Florida. The Clearwater courthouse, originally constructed in 1917, was designed by Francis J. Kennard and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Two additions to the Pinellas County Courthouse, one completed in 1963 and another in 1983, stand immediately to the west.
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Photos of the Polk County Courthouse in Bartow, Florida. The Bartow courthouse was built in 1987. The Polk County Courthouse was designed by W. Wade Setlife And Associates.
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Photos of the historic Polk County Courthouse in Bartow, Florida. The brick Bartow courthouse, designed by Edward Columbus Hosford, was built in 1909. The historic Polk County Courthouse, a Classical Revival structure, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Photos of the Putnam County Courthouse in Palatka, Florida. The Palatka courthouse was designed by Robinson And Reidy. The brick Putnam County Courthouse, a Classical Revival structure, was built in 1910.
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Photos of the Santa Rosa County Courthouse in Milton, Florida. The Milton courthouse was originally designed by Chandler Yonge. The brick Santa Rosa County Courthouse was built in 1927 as a Classical Revival structure but was substantially remodeled in 1961.
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Photos of the Sarasota County Courthouse in Sarasota, Florida. The Sarasota courthouse was designed by Dwight James Baum. The Sarasota County Courthouse, a Mediterranean Revival structure built in 1926, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Photos of the Sarasota County Judicial Center in Sarasota, Florida. The Sarasota courthouse, officially the Judge Lynn N. Silvertooth Judicial Center, was designed by Hansen Lynn Meyer and Barger And Dean. The Sarasota County courthouse was built in 1998.
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Photos of the Seminole County Courthouse in Sanford, Florida. The Sanford courthouse, which houses the civil courts of Seminole County, was built in 1972. The Seminole County Courthouse was designed by John A. Burton IV.
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Photos of the Seminole County Criminal Justice Center in Sanford, Florida. The Sanford courthouse was completed in 2004. The Seminole County courthouse was designed by HKS Architects, Inc.
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Photos of the St. Johns County Judicial Center, officially the Richard O. Watson Judicial Center, in St. Augustine, Florida. The St. Augustine courthouse was built in 1994. The structure, which serves as the St. Johns County courthouse, was designed by Spillis, Candela And Partners Inc.
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Photos of the St. Lucie County Courthouse in Fort Pierce, Florida. The Fort Pierce courthouse was originally built in 1961. The St. Lucie County Courthouse was later expanded in 1990 by Stebbins And Scott Architects.
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Photos of the Sumter County Courthouse in Bushnell, Florida. The Bushnell courthouse was designed by William A. Edwards. The Sumter County Courthouse, a brick Mediterranean Revival structure, was built in 1913.
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Photos of the Sumter County Judicial Building in Bushnell, Florida. The Bushnell courthouse was designed by Gee And Jenson. The Sumter County Courthouse, a brick structure, was built in 1996.
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Photos of the Suwannee County Courthouse in Live Oak, Florida. The brick Live Oak courthouse, built in 1904, was designed by Benjamin B. Smith. The Suwannee County Courthouse, a Renaissance Revival structure, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Photos of the Taylor County Courthouse in Perry, Florida. The Perry courthouse was originally designed by Benjamin B. Smith. The brick Taylor County Courthouse was built in 1908 as a Classical Revival structure but was substantially remodeled in 1983.
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Photos of the Volusia County Courthouse in DeLand, Florida. The DeLand courthouse was designed by the Vitetta Group. The Volusia County Courthouse was dedicated in 2001.
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Photos of the historic Volusia County Courthouse in DeLand, Florida. The DeLand courthouse was dedicated in 1929. The historic Volusia County Courthouse, a brick Classical Revival structure, is part of the Downtown DeLand Historic District, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Photos of the Wakulla County Courthouse in Crawfordville, Florida. The Crawfordville courthouse was designed by James A. Stripling. The stucco Wakulla County Courthouse, an Art Deco structure, was built in 1949.
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Photos of the Old Wakulla County Courthouse in Crawfordville, Florida. The wood Crawfordville courthouse, built in 1893, was designed by G.W. Tully. The Old Wakulla Courthouse, a Federal-style structure now used as a library, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Photos of the Walton County Courthouse in DeFuniak Springs, Florida. The DeFuniak Springs courthouse, built in 1926, was designed by Warren, Knight And Davis and Chandler C. Yonge. The brick Walton County Courthouse, a Classical Revival structure, is part of the DeFuniak Springs Historic District, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
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Photos of the Washington County Courthouse in Chipley, Florida. The Chipley courthouse was designed by JRA Architects. The Washington County Courthouse was built in 2016 on the site of the previous courthouse.
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