Capitolshots Photography has images of the following New Mexico courthouses available.  Please click to see the entire collection of photos for each building.

All photos Copyright Capitolshots Photography, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Photos of the Bernalillo County Courthouse in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The Albuquerque courthouse was designed by Flatow Moore Shaffer McCabe. The Bernalillo County Courthouse was completed in 2001.

Photos of the Bernalillo County Metropolitan Courthouse in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The Albuquerque courthouse, which hosts judicial proceedings for lesser offenses, opened in 2004 and was designed by DCSW Architects. The Bernalillo County Metropolitan Courthouse stands across the street from the Bernalillo County Courthouse.

Photos of the former Bernalillo County Courthouse in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The Albuquerque courthouse, designed by T. Charles Gaastra, was built in 1928. The former Bernalillo County Courthouse, an Art Deco structure, currently houses county offices.

Photos of the Chaves County Courthouse in Roswell, New Mexico. Designed by Rapp And Rapp, the Roswell courthouse was completed in 1912. The Chaves County Courthouse, a Beaux-Arts structure, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Photos of the Cibola County Courts Building, which serves as the Cibola County courthouse, in Grants, New Mexico. The Grants courthouse is part of Cibola County Complex, which was built in 1987 and was designed by Hoshour And Pearson.

Photos of the Curry County Courthouse in Clovis, New Mexico. The brick Clovis courthouse, a WPA Moderne structure, was designed by Schaefer And Merrell. The Curry County Courthouse was completed in 1936 and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Photos of the De Baca County Courthouse in Fort Sumner, New Mexico. Designed by Kerr And Walsh, the Fort Sumner courthouse was built in 1930. The brick De Baca County Courthouse, which incorporates Mediterranean details, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Photos of the historic Dona Ana County Courthouse in Las Cruces, New Mexico. The Mission Revival Las Cruces courthouse, designed by Percy W. McGhee, was completed in 1937. The building served as the Dona Ana County Courthouse until the opening of the Dona Ana County Government Center in 2006.

Photos of the Dona Ana County Government Center in Las Cruces, New Mexico. The Las Cruces courthouse and government building was designed by Design Collaborative SouthWest. The Dona Ana County courthouse was completed in 2006.

Photos of the Eddy County Courthouse in Carlsbad, New Mexico. The Carlsbad courthouse was built in 1891 and was completely remodeled into its current Spanish Pueblo style in 1939. The Eddy County Courthouse has subsequently been remodeled and expanded three additional times.

Photos of the Guadalupe County Courthouse in Santa Rosa, New Mexico. The original sandstone Romanesque Revival structure was built in 1909, with a more modern 1946 addition. The Guadalupe County Courthouse is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Photos of the ruins of the former Guadalupe County Courthouse in Puerto de Luna, New Mexico. Built in 1891 and designed by Frank Ogden and John C. Hill, the sandstone Puerto de Luna courthouse served as the county courthouse until 1903, when the county seat moved to Santa Rosa. The historic Guadalupe County Courthouse, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, stands in disrepair.

Photos of the Hidalgo County Courthouse in Lordsburg, New Mexico. Designed by Thorman And Frazer, the Lordsburg courthouse was completed in 1927. The brick Hidalgo County Courthouse is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Photos of the Lea County Courthouse in Lovington, New Mexico. Designed by O.R. Walker, the Lovington courthouse was built in 1936. The Lea County Courthouse, a brick Art Deco structure, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Photos of the Luna County Courthouse in Deming, New Mexico. Designed by W.B. Corwin, the Deming courthouse was constructed in 1910. The brick Luna County Courthouse is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Photos of the McKinley County Courthouse in Gallup, New Mexico. The original adobe Pueblo Revival courthouse was designed by K.L. House and built in 1938. The Gallup courthouse was renovated and joined by a modern addition in 2004, with NCA-Architects leading that project. The McKinley County Courthouse is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Photos of the Otero County Courthouse in Alamogordo, New Mexico. The Alamogordo courthouse was designed by Wolgamood And Millington. The brick Otero County Courthouse was built in 1955.

Photos of the Quay County Courthouse in Tucumcari, New Mexico. The brick and stone Tucumcari courthouse, a WPA Moderne structure, was designed by Townes And Funk. The Quay County Courthouse was built in 1939.

Photos of the Roosevelt County Courthouse in Portales, New Mexico. Designed by Robert E. Merrell, the Portales courthouse was completed in 1938. The brick and concrete Roosevelt County Courthouse, a WPA Moderne structure, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Photos of the Union County Courthouse in Clayton, New Mexico. Designed by D.P. Kaufman And Son, the Clayton courthouse was constructed in 1909. The brick Union County Courthouse, a Beaux-Arts structure, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

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Capitolshots Photography's collection of images of New Mexico county courthouses. Photos of 20 New Mexico county courthouses, past and present, are currently available.

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