Capitolshots Photography has images of the following Delaware courthouses available.  Please click to see the entire collection of photos for each building.

All photos Copyright Capitolshots Photography, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Photos of the Kent County Courthouse in Dover, Delaware. The Dover courthouse was designed by Moeckel Carbonell And Ricci and Greene Architects. The Kent County Courthouse was completed in 2011.

Photos of the old Kent County Courthouse in Dover, Delaware. Built in 1874, the Dover courthouse was remodeled and reduced in size in 1918. The Colonial Revival structure is connected to the new county courthouse, which was built in 2011. The old Kent County Courthouse courthouse is part of the Dover Green Historic District, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Photos of the New Castle County Justice Center in Wilmington, Delaware. The Wilmington courthouse, officially the Leonard L. Williams Justice Center, was designed by Buck Simpers Architect + Associates. The New Castle County courthouse was completed in 2002.

Photos of the historic City And County Building in Wilmington, Delaware. The Beaux-Arts structure, built in 1914 and designed by Palmer, Hornbostel And Jones and John Dockery Thompson, formerly served as both the New Castle County Courthouse and Wilmington City Hall. The former Wilmington courthouse, now privately owned, is part of the Rodney Square Historic District, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Photos of the historic New Castle County Courthouse in New Castle, Delaware. Built in 1730, the brick Georgian structure is one of the oldest surviving courthouses in the United States. Delaware declared its independence from both England and Pennsylvania inside its walls in 1776. The former New Castle County courthouse, now the New Castle Court House Museum, is a National Historic Landmark on its own and is part of the New Castle Historic District, which is also a National Historic Landmark.

Photos of the Sussex County Courthouse in Georgetown, Delaware. The Georgetown courthouse was designed by William Strickland. The brick Sussex County Courthouse opened in 1839 and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Photos of the old Sussex County Courthouse in Georgetown, Delaware. Built in 1791, the building served as the Sussex County Courthouse until 1837, when it was sold and moved to its present location to make way for the county's current courthouse. Renovated in 1974-76 and rededicated in 1976, the Georgetown courthouse is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

In addition to the courthouses displayed above, images are also available for:


Stock Photos Of Courthouses From These States Are Also Available:

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Capitolshots Photography's collection of images of Delaware county courthouses. Photos of eight Delaware county courthouses, past and present, are currently available, including photos of county courthouses from all three Delaware counties.

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Capitolshots Photography's collection of images of South Carolina county courthouses. Photos of three South Carolina county courthouses are currently available.

Capitolshots Photography's collection of images of South Dakota county courthouses. Photos of 11 South Dakota county courthouses, past and present, are currently available.

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Capitolshots Photography's collection of images of Texas courthouses (Gaines County through Motley County). Photos of 297 Texas county courthouses, past and present, are currently available in the three galleries, including photos of county courthouses from all 254 Texas counties.

Capitolshots Photography's collection of images of Texas courthouses (Nacogdoches County through Zavala County). Photos of 297 Texas county courthouses, past and present, are currently available in the three galleries, including photos of county courthouses from all 254 Texas counties.

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